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Knee Arthroscopy

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Arthroscopy is a “key-hole” procedure that gives surgeons a clear view inside the joint. It helps us diagnose and treat several knee issues. During arthroscopy, a small instrument called an arthroscope is inserted into the knee. The arthroscope is connected to a miniature video camera and light source. The video camera records and displays real time images of the knee on a monitor screen. As all arthroscopy instruments are thin and small, minimal incisions are needed compared to much larger incisions required for standard open surgery.

Who needs Knee Arthroscopy?

The knee joint can be injured during work or sports involving twisting movements, sudden jerks, and in case of accidents. Arthritis is also a common source of knee symptoms. An arthroscopy is recommended for persistent pain, swelling, locking, and ‘giving way’, if these are not improved with medical treatment & physiotherapy.

What happens during Arthroscopy?


To prevent surgical pain, you will be given spinal or general anesthesia.

  • Spinal anesthesia numbs an entire area (both legs).

  • General anesthesia puts you to sleep.

Our Anaesthesia team will discuss the best method for you. If you have regional anesthesia, you may be able to watch the procedure on a monitor screen.


Most arthroscopic procedures typically take less than an hour. Surgical time depends on what is found and what treatment is necessary.

  • A small slit is made in the skin, through which the arthroscope is inserted.

  • Next, sterile fluid is pumped in to distend the knee and improve visualization.

  • Tiny, specialized instruments (forceps, scissors, motorized shavers or laser probes) are inserted through other small cuts. They are used to carry out specific tasks.

  • Diagnosis is confirmed and treatment done accordingly.

  • At the end, incisions are closed (stitches or staples) and covered with soft bandage.

How long does it take to recover?

Recovery is much faster than open surgery. Patients begin moving their knee within a few hours. Our physiotherapy team begins a specific exercise protocol and you can walk with/without support on the same day. Usually, a hospital stay of 24-48 hours is needed. Most people are able to return to daily activities in 3-6 weeks.

What are the complications?

Majority of patients do not face any complications. As with any surgery, however, there are some risks. Potential serious problems include infection, blood clots, excessive swelling or bleeding, altered sensation or numbness around the knee and damage to blood vessels or nerves. No surgeon can guarantee that treatment will always be 100% successful. In some cases, surgery may give only partial relief.

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